I had the weirdest dream. I was in bed with Phil Collins. Yes, of all people, Phil Collins was riding me. This is just so out of the blue - and so out of character for me.
So I googled this. And then I tried this. No luck.
What is Phil Collins doing sitting on my cock? This is just too funny. Then, something clicked in my head. I realized that I was dreaming. I'm absolutely floored that I started laughing hard. I laughed so hard to the point that I woke up giggling.
I've been trying to venture into lucid dreaming for the longest time without any luck. Thanks for the sex, Phil! A lot of famous creatives experiment with lucid dreaming because it gives them an environment where they can be like God, create and control events to their liking in the safe environment of the mind.
The next time I am lucid dreaming, I am going to summon this guy. I'm going to please him in ways that only God can. No question about it.
I love it when I get drunk. I get so fucking friendly. I party hard.
I was a good drunk on Sunday night. I went to a festival party: gourmet pizza, endless supply of wine, and a live DJ at a spiffy downtown club. Yes, I had the usual hangover in the morning. But, this time around I didn't mind. A headache. Dehydration. No puking this time... and no memory loss which is always a good sign.
I must've downed 7 or 8 glasses of white wine in less than two hours. And this was me pacing myself? (Zack, babe - you approve?) It was the sweetest wine I've ever tasted. I was worried that people might start wondering if I was an alcoholic. I'm pretty sensitive about that issue. But as the wine continued to flow, I stopped worrying.
I can't remember the last time that I actually let myself loose on the dancefloor. My body was in tune with the music. I was a hit with the ladies. I was repeatedly told that I am one magnetic dancer.
I guess I was so magnetic that when I suggested to watch a drag beauty pageant at Woody's after Midnight, almost all the gorgeous single girls came with me. A whole lot of us: 2 cars and 2 cabs. By the time we got there, it was too crowded to keep track of where everyone was, and I was drunk to care. At this point, it was up to them to have fun - and how could they not? The energy in the crowd was contagious. I was contagious.
When I finally decided to show my face at work on Monday afternoon - I found myself laughing for no reason. I was still high on endorphins from the night before. Either that or I was losing my mind altogether. I don't make a habit of going out to party, but I need to do this again... like soon, another opportunity to kill more brain cells.
Monday night, I planned to stay home for the evening to nurse what's left of my hangover. By the time I sat down with WCB for an impromptu coffee, the headache lifted. (Type A or not, WCB is super spontaneous, my kind of man! You rock my world!)
We talked about a lot of stuff. I wanted to know what was up with his short lived disappearing act. He wanted to know how to go about waxing one's ass. I don't think I convinced him to do it.
Let me tell ya, baby, I definitely impressed the other week.
*** To WCB: My pants were not tight, babe. They just hug my ass nicely. ***
Meet Celestial Blue. She's got quite an artistic eye for taking pictures. I have told her that I admired her for her strong uncompromising identity of herself: She's young. She's cute. She's intelligent. She's Jewish.
CB actually sent me two pics. Here's the other one:
She's down to earth and she's real. Check out her blog. She has alot of things to say.
More shower pic submissions to come... I received an email asking that I should also post a full pic of myself. Hmmm. I'll look into this.
A quick observation... what is it with bloggers falling in love? He has his Paulo, while he has his JFA, though I get this impression that he's downplaying this new love. I guess WCB doesn't want to jinx anything.
It's quite surprising really. The two unlikeliest (to me) in the blogdom universe have found 'it' unexpectedly. I guess it's true that it comes when you're not looking. After investing alot of time reading their blogs, I could not be happier. With the intimacy that both bloggers have shared with their readers, I sort of feel close to them like they were my own brothers. Weird. Well, that's how I feel.
Anyways, they're fucking like rabbits. I'm sort of envious.
When I reminisce at old unphotogenic pictures of *Walking Encyclopedia*, a guy I was with at age 21, I always draw a blank of wonderment. What was I thinking? Was I that desperate for companionship?
Recently, I went down memory lane with him. This time, face-to-face. It made me remember what attracted me to him. I was flooded with good memories.
It was a wonderful rediscovery.
Dinner with *Walking Encyclopedia*, was great, nearly 4 hours passed like they were minutes. Though, I have to confess that within ten minutes of conversation, I was annoyed as I was also reminded of why I dumped him in the first place. He hasn't changed one bit. He's so predictable.
Yes, we did have great chemistry in the past. However, I realized I wasn't necessarily drawn to him physically, but rather to his intelligence. When I broke it off, we didn't talk for a year. Eventually we reconnected and bridged into becoming good friends. Looking back at my old journals, I commend myself for being able to recognize his complacency. Walking Encylopedia is a bit older.
Essentially (for me), it came down to an imbalance of interest. Oh, who am I kidding... no sugar-coating this time. Walking Encylopedia was a selfish prick too accustomed to his own set of routines to make or spare time for anyone else including me.
I've intentionally remained friends with him because of my constant desire to want to make things right. My past dictates my future, and if I can't make friendship out of an old relationship, I don't have the utilities to be in a full-pledged committed relationship. That's how I see it. Sue me.
Now, he's out of the country, (he moved away a year ago). I do miss him though. I used to stop by his office often to bring him ice cream at his desk. My visits always draw a smile on that face of his when he's stressed and overworked. He later confessed two years later that he always looked forward to seeing my 'bright spirit'.
But even with friends, there will be little things that irks us. With him, I get feelings of not being appreciated. But friendship is not about keeping score. And I am not bitter.
Walking Encyclopedia is a testament that I have grown alot. That's another reason why he remains part of my arsenal of friends. But I'm not the same 21 year old boy that he still categorizes me, particularly when it comes to sex. I had a lot of practice since then. Ahem.
Boo~hoo! Begging does not seem to work. Everyone else is content to watch. Shame on you guys (and gals) as you quietly lurk about. Deep down, I know you want to join me in the shower. I know it.
Meet Billy. He insists that this photo of him is not sexy. I beg to differ, babe. He wanted me to photoshop the heck out of it. I decided to present it 'au naturelle' - exactly how it was emailed to me.
There are naturally sexy men infused and overflowing with pheromones, that everything they do, no matter how unflattering, is sexy. I've never met Billy in person, but I can tell he is one of these guys who make simple things like drinking milk out of the carton the sexiest thing on the planet.
With the age obsessed gay community, I have to say that Billy is the walking rolemodel that there is life (and sex) after 40. I even confessed to him, after seeing his shirtless pic, that I just moved my age threshold from 37 to 40 years old when it comes to fucking dating guys.
I was NOT optimistic with the casting call I have posted on Monday. I mean... no one is leaving their mark in my guest book. There's relatively a 1% overturn that do say hello or send me an email. I have traffic at this blog, but why is everyone so shy? I don't bite... hard.
Anyways, to the four bloggers who have sent me pictures, I THANK YOU. There was one blogger in particular who sent me a revealing shower pic that made me blush. But, damn - they are only for my eyes.
In the course of the week, I'll be posting the pictures in the order that I received them. Let me just put it out there that this casting call is always open. No deadlines. No nudity please. Make it sensual, not sexual.
Meet Josh. This picture is courtesy of Ryan at stupidryan.blogspot.com. Ryan came home and found this little number relaxing in the tub. The first thing Ryan thought of was taking a picture for my sake! Aw, isn't that thoughtful? Oh, and isn't Josh adorable?
NOTE to SELF: If you're going to try to impress a fuck buddy by waxing off all the hair on your ass (pictured below), please plan it days in advance. Otherwise, your nether regions will be a tad sore and red for tongue worship. 'Nuff said.
The word is out. Join me in the SHOWER room: Take a picture of yourself in the shower or tub. I'm taking submissions as I intend to post it here (with permission, ofcourse!) Make it tasteful. No nudity. Water has to be involved, but no watersports please! You can crop your face... it's up to you. Or I can do that for you.
I hope to show how liberating it is to let go of inhibitions. You don't have to be like him or him.
I don't know if this casting call will be successful, but I hope I won't have to beg or coerce my readers too much.
If you just want to watch, but not join me in the SHOWER room, then leave your mark at my guest book that you visited here or you can always send me an email.
i find that much of my friends come to me to rant about their lives. i'm always more than happy to listen and be an objective counsel. but when it comes to the affairs in my life, where do i unload? this blog is my sounding board.
the shower room is a metaphor i've decided to use. this is where i wash off the stress, the sins, and the stirred-up trouble. this is a place to reflect. but then again, the shower can also be a place of fun.
There's that well-known adage: "the most fascinating person to any individual is themselves". Egotistical or not, that saying applies here.
I've decided to pursue this blogging business purely for my amusement. Going forward, I'll be writing in a form which is a further extension of myself with the consideration that a few people know who I really am. My alias is DTB.
*** To my readers, if you have a catchy name for me, send me an email . ***
With the change of address, also comes a change in my blogging goals. When I first started blogging, I did it for me. That has since changed. When an audience is involved, things change drastically, a form of censorship I guess. I tried to stray away from writing about personal situations, but sometimes, I have to let my heart do the talking.
So going back to my initial thought, this new blog worries me. When the goals I've set when I first started blogging is not in line with my new ones, will it only bore me? Will I quickly lose interest in this blog if I talk about dog leashes or being photographed half naked in the shower? So much for anonymity. I'm letting it all hang!
Time will tell. In the meantime, I can't waste my time worrying about this shit.