Monday, April 12, 2004
The Exodus: Part 2
This new blog worries me. Just a tad, but still.
There's that well-known adage: "the most fascinating person to any individual is themselves". Egotistical or not, that saying applies here.
I've decided to pursue this blogging business purely for my amusement. Going forward, I'll be writing in a form which is a further extension of myself with the consideration that a few people know who I really am. My alias is DTB.
*** To my readers, if you have a catchy name for me, send me an email . ***
With the change of address, also comes a change in my blogging goals. When I first started blogging, I did it for me. That has since changed. When an audience is involved, things change drastically, a form of censorship I guess. I tried to stray away from writing about personal situations, but sometimes, I have to let my heart do the talking.
So going back to my initial thought, this new blog worries me. When the goals I've set when I first started blogging is not in line with my new ones, will it only bore me? Will I quickly lose interest in this blog if I talk about dog leashes or being photographed half naked in the shower? So much for anonymity. I'm letting it all hang!
Time will tell. In the meantime, I can't waste my time worrying about this shit.