Thursday, April 22, 2004
Fun in the Shower Room: SUBMISSION #2
Boo~hoo! Begging does not seem to work. Everyone else is content to watch. Shame on you guys (and gals) as you quietly lurk about. Deep down, I know you want to join me in the shower. I know it.
Meet Billy. He insists that this photo of him is not sexy. I beg to differ, babe. He wanted me to photoshop the heck out of it. I decided to present it 'au naturelle' - exactly how it was emailed to me.
There are naturally sexy men infused and overflowing with pheromones, that everything they do, no matter how unflattering, is sexy. I've never met Billy in person, but I can tell he is one of these guys who make simple things like drinking milk out of the carton the sexiest thing on the planet.
With the age obsessed gay community, I have to say that Billy is the walking rolemodel that there is life (and sex) after 40. I even confessed to him, after seeing his shirtless pic, that I just moved my age threshold from 37 to 40 years old when it comes to fucking dating guys.