Thursday, August 11, 2005
When Is It Acceptable to Give Someone GHB Without their Knowledge? The answer is NEVER.
When I found myself in trouble two years ago, my friend Psychicman was there for me. Two years later, it seems that the tables have turned. Psychicman is in trouble, and I'm doing my best to help.
Here's a brief synopsis of what took place: * Late night at a park, a childhood friend: DaddyBigDick, gave Psychicman some water to drink. * Psychicman lost consciousness inside the car. * As it turns, he was given GHB, regarded as the date rape drug. * He woke up a few hours later, disoriented and feeling violated. * He has no proof other than that he felt sore "down there". * When asked, DaddyBigDick claims that Psychicman simply fell asleep. * He didn't think much of the incident until two weeks later when... * A mutual friend came to him to say that DaddyBigDick confessed something disturbing: "Yeah, I had my way with Psychicman while he was asleep." * When Psychicman confronted DaddyBigDick, he admitted to using GHB but stopped short of rape. It was just for "fun". * To make matters more complicated, DaddyBigDick is HIV positive, according to his ex-fiancee. * At present, DaddyBigDick is refusing to talk about the incident, and return messages. * When they finally spoke, DaddyBigDick's response was: "If you don't believe me, go get tested." * There is a window wait period of 3 months for any HIV testing.
By the time Psychicman approached me for help, 3 weeks have passed since the incident. His nights have become exercises of sleeplessness, as well as his days. I immediately resorted to professional guidance from two counsellors (AIDS hotline) on his behalf as well as referred him to the Rape Crisis Centre. He's a basketcase.
I've pushed Psychicman to approach the authorities, but he does not want to take that route. I've tried to insist that DaddyBigDick could do the same thing to others, but it's not enough to motivate him.
I underestimated how big (or stubborn) the male heterosexual ego. I'm at a lost here for what to do next. Help? Anyone?