Thursday, September 23, 2004
Autumn is Here
Autumn is here, but it sure doesn't feel like it yet. The complaints and groans from co-workers about the coming cold weather started last week. I am actually looking forward to Fall. Yes, I will miss wearing tank tops and shorts, but I get to wear my wool sweaters, leather jackets and boots all over again. I find this whole change of wardrobe exciting. How gay of me, huh?
Last night was the first night in a very long time that I came home from the gym to vegetate in front of the TV. I think it's perfectly healthy to do from time to time. In college, I used to look forward to Fall because it brings season premieres and new episodes. I don't watch alot of TV anymore. Now that I have time to myself again, I laid in bed last night watching The Bachelor.
That show was a complete waste of time. I didn't really care for both men. I should've checked the previews to familiarize myself not to tune in. I could be doing something more constructive like finishing some paintings or returning phone messages. But again, as I said, every now and then, it's perfectly healthy to be a lazy ass.
Having said that, summer was a time when "adventure" came to me. I have a feeling that autumn is where I need to come out of hiding and seek out "adventure". I thought about how easy it is to go online to look for sex. But I refrained last night. I'll wait for the weekend. I'll party then.
That's when we'll see if my Mojo is still intact.
In the last 48 hours, a few people asked me for help. One of them was my head manager at work. I ran into her in the elevator. With the recent article about me in a paper, she's asked whether she could use me as her reference for something she wants to do.
"Ofcourse." I say. Oh how the table has turned.
[N.B.* I write the incident on this blog for documentation purposes only.]