Monday, August 09, 2004
Naming the NEW Mascot
Hey Kids -
As you've probably seen in the new pics, I've got myself a new playtoy in the Shower Room. I'm taking the Mascot cue from Mak and Camille (the Cow).
So... I need your help. Give my RubberDucky a STRIKING name.
In pondering a name for my M-A-S-C-O-T, here's a site for inspiration. Also, this is how Merriam-Webster defines it:
Pronunciation: 'mas-"kät also -k&t
Function: noun
Etymology: French mascotte, from masco witch, Medieval Latin masca
Definition: a person, animal, or object adopted by a group as a symbolic figure especially to bring them good luck.
Here's hoping my yet-to-be named RubberDucky will bring me lots of luck. Cheers!