Monday, August 16, 2004
Loyalty to Friends VS One Night Tricks
Sunday marked the first annual Church Street Fetish Fair. There wasn't much happening on the streets, other than a live DJ, some street vendors, and on-stage caning & flogging demonstrations. Nonetheless, I had a pretty special time because of the good company I was with, people I have gotten to know from last week's patio party.
There was one thing missing: Cute Guys.
It wasn't until early Sunday evening that I finally meet two friendly, personable and good-hearted Americans at a bar. I was drawn to Muscle T (he was wearing a black sleeveless muscle T), but not his companion Young Lawyer. You know when someone looks at you genuinely straight in the eye upon meeting? Yup, Muscle T was doing one of those.
It was difficult to engage in one-on-one conversation from across the table with Muscle T because I was accompanied with four of my friends. The 2 to 5 seconds of frequent eye-to-eye meetings was nice though. It's like I was mentally telling him: "Yeah, I want you too."
I tried to separate Muscle T from the rest of my gang, but it seems I always end up with Young Lawyer, who seems to like me too. A bit later on, frustrated that I can't talk to Muscle T alone, I eventually invite the two Americans for a quick walk. Wink wink nudge nudge. They're game. But then, my two other friends also follow leaving the others behind.
Nearing 10pm, there were still a good number of people dancing on the street, music courtesy of a local DJ. It was then that I finally had some personal exchanges with Muscle T. He relayed a question here, a compliment there.
Whispering, Muscle T says: "Those military pants fit you so well."
I blush ofcourse. So, I flirt back, "Wait 'til you see what's underneath."
I expected a devilish reply, but instead I get a quiet dignified answer. "I'm only interested on what's inside." Muscle T points to his heart.
Oh, I nearly melt.
We had some great conversation as a group back at the bar so I know I left a very good impression, otherwise Muscle T would have declined my invitation for a "walk". Anyways, I wanted to propose to the guy right on the spot. Instead, I opted for the next best thing. Lady-like or not, I'm going to take him home even if I have to invite Young Lawyer to my place for a play session just so he doesn't feel left behind. So much for my virgin status which is now 3 weeks and counting.
Time is of the essence so I was blunt with an invite to my place. I quicky find out that the two Americans are ONLY friends. Phew! I was so relieved. This is a good thing except there are complications which I won't get into. Muscle T being a good friend, says he can't leave Young Lawyer alone in a foreign city scrapping for himself. However, he does ask if he could walk me home. I decline because like him, I felt it was inappropriate to dump my other two friends on short notice. It would not only be rude, but also disrespectful choosing a guy who I probably won't see again over the new friends I am recenty getting to know.
As it was getting late, I eventually bid goodbye to Muscle T. He gives me a very tight hug. Right before we separate, he kisses me on my cheek, just missing my lips by one finger. I carress the back of his left ear realizing my two friends are watching off to the side. Young Lawyer was watching too.
I hope I'm making sense to someone out there but I'm actually glad Muscle T didn't come home with me. I'm very relieved I didn't ditch my two friends. Sexual depravity and loneliness can make a person do things he doesn't really want to do. Muscle T promises to keep in touch. I have absolutely no doubt he'll appear in my books at another future chapter. My prediction? Before the end of September rolls around, I have a feeling he will be coming up north and we will connect... the story continues... remind me in 2 months.